Policy Edits: First Round

The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee met on September 21st to begin revising policy for the comprehensive plan. That document is included here with a line to show where the committee finished. If anyone has questions, comments or personal insight about the proposed policies, please contact Angela at angelasnyder97@gmail.com.
Topics: collaboration (with the public and the region), transparency/efficiency/consistency
The City of Gilbert will make the planning process accessible and understandable to the public.
Policy P1: Gilbert will encourage and sustain public involvement throughout the planning process, including the implementation phase.
Policy P2: Gilbert will provide easy access to planning documents, processes, and resources and will keep these resources up to date and available through online and traditional mediums.
Policy P3: Gilbert will provide community outreach about education on smart planning and encourage consistent use of these practices in planning projects.
The City of Gilbert will plan for and manage predictable future population growth within the context of the community’s capacity, needs and character.
Policy P4: Gilbert will coordinate local and regional population projections.
Policy P5: Gilbert will include countywide development visions and plans in local planning scenarios.
Policy P6: Gilbert will align city development with school district and other partner community organizations.
**Implementation is a concern. Look into strategies to hold city accountable.
Topics: Land use, transportation, historic preservation, community facilities and spaces, green building & energy, no development in hazardous areas, municipal infrastructure and utilities
The City of Gilbert will improve and enhance mobility and connectivity throughout the city and region by creating an integrated and safe transportation system, including providing for alternative modes of transportation.
Policy BE1: Gilbert will maintain streets throughout the community. (NEEDED) (There are lots of cul-de-sacs, which is an issue. Need more options for traffic.)
Policy BE2: Gilbert will accommodate the growing population by planning for through streets and adequate parking.
Policy BE3: Gilbert will ensure and promote a safe and accessible sidewalk system throughout the community. This sidewalk system will connect to all community facilities, including schools and natural areas.
Policy BE4: Gilbert will work with regional partners to explore future regional bike trail networks.
Policy BE5: Gilbert will explore alternative transportation methods to popular regional destinations and partner with regional transportation services. Examples could include a CyRide stop in the city, a bike trail to Ames, and continue partnership with HIERTA.
Policy BE6: Gilbert will work with the school district to identify routes and strategies that promote safe biking and walking to school. (Sidewalk across Matthews, by Consignment Gallery, lights/signs, 3-way stop by elementary, cross-guards)
The City of Gilbert will provide quality public services that are accessible to all members in the community. These services will encourage a safe, active and healthy community.
Policy BE7: The City of Gilbert will upgrade, repurpose or replace old and substandard infrastructure.
Policy BE8: The City of Gilbert will explore the possibility of providing shelter and resources from natural disasters and inclement weather. >> Need to explore what this would look like. Maybe include a disaster plan in 5-year update. Check with fire department. CALL Keith Morgan (Story County) and Gilbert Fire Department to figure out what exists[AS1] .
Policy BE9: The City of Gilbert will develop community buildings and facilities, which are energy efficient, designed using sustainable practices, located away from flood prone areas, and use other environmentally friendly practices.
The City of Gilbert will prioritize historic preservation efforts in order to preserve the past to enhance the future.
Policy BE10: The City of Gilbert will identify potential historic sites in the development and redevelopment of publically and privately owned land and structures.
Policy BE11: Gilbert will collaborate with community organizations to delineate historic preservation districts.
Policy BE12: Gilbert will promote preservations, restoration and reuse of historical structures and landmarks.
Policy BE13: Gilbert will celebrate their identity and sustain the community for the future.
Gilbert will enhance the physical appearance of the community.
Policy BE14: Gilbert will preserve, maintain and routinely improve the natural and man-made assets of the community.
Policy BE15: Gilbert will promote a small town feel while embracing growth.
Policy BE16: Gilbert will provide a variety of recreation and open space opportunities while conserving and protecting natural resources.
Policy BE17: Develop a comprehensive set of strategies to eliminate blighted, vacant or abandoned properties, such as a vacant property registry, strengthened property maintenance, public nuisance, and rental codes.
The City of Gilbert will provide safe and reliable infrastructure and utilities for current and future residents.
Policy BE18: Establish infrastructure project priorities and CIP requests based on comprehensive plan goals and policies.
Policy BE19: Adequately plan for maintenance, repair, upgrades and replacement of City infrastructure. Coordinate infrastructure work with other department work programs and outside utilities.
Policy BE20: Require new development to provide adequate public infrastructure to serve
the needs of the development and ensure facilities are sized and staged to
provide for additional development beyond its boundaries.
Policy BE21: Work with utility companies to continue the burial and consolidation of o
overhead utility lines during street improvement projects, along new streets, a,
and redevelopment proposals.
Policy BE22: Promote the deployment of Internet service infrastructure with other public infrastructure during improvement projects and new projects. Work with providers to expand high-speed internet access in all neighborhoods.
Policy BE23: Reduce the amount of solid waste headed to the landfill by encouraging recycling and composting practices at homes, schools and commercials areas.
Policy BE24: Provide sufficient lighting for better way-finding and safe circulation by providing pedestrian friendly illumination, preserving dark sky conditions, minimizing glare, and other unnecessary light pollution.
Policy BE25: Gilbert will promote sustainable development by actively working to prevent sprawl to protect agricultural and conservation lands.
Topics: protecting agriculture and natural resources, sustainable development, watershed and flooding.
The City of Gilbert will use effective land use regulations to protect agricultural and conservation lands.
Policy NR1: Gilbert will use land use regulations that provide for planned sustainable urban development.
Policy NR2: Gilbert will coordinate land use regulations within a two-mile planning area and coordinate with intersecting communities and Story County.
The City of Gilbert will preserve critical environmental areas.
Policy NR3: Gilbert will integrate development with the natural environment by making use of site planning practices to discourage development on floodplains.
Policy NR4: Gilbert will protect environmentally sensitive areas, such as Ada Hayden, Squaw Creek and the surrounding woodlands as permanent open space, green belts, parks and wildlife refugee areas.
Policy NR5: Maintain the main watershed in Gilbert.
Policy NR6: Gilbert will encourage green infrastructure and sustainable development practices.
**Committee Stopping Point**
Topics: community based economic development, local business revitalization, plan for capacity to support economic growth, acknowledgement of regional employment opportunities, diversity of occupations, transportation to economic centers
The City of Gilbert will provide for and manage commercial land-use development through the implementation of plans and policies that promote sustainable economic growth goals.
Policy ED 1: Gilbert will encourage and support revitalization, development and expansion of the Main Street corridor as the principal commercial area in the City.
Policy ED 2: Gilbert will regulate the location, type and function of new commercial development through effective zoning controls and site-planning requirements, including building front improvement programs and sidewalks, alleys and streets, and provisions for off-street parking, and improvements to the rear appearances of buildings.
Policy ED 3: Gilbert will zone for and provide adequate services for any industrial uses. These zones will be separate from residential zones.
The City of Gilbert will engage in efforts to promote economic growth and development within the community’s preferences and capacity.
Policy ED4: Gilbert will identify types of businesses they would like to recruit to the City. The City will identify a diverse range of businesses to encourage economic resiliency.
Policy ED 5: Gilbert will recruit businesses to the Main Street area.
Policy ED6: The City of Gilbert will provide employment opportunities that provide livable wages.
Policy ED7: The City of Gilbert will support efforts to recruit and train a workforce that meets the needs of existing and future employment opportunities in the region.
Policy ED8: Gilbert will support local businesses by encouraging City residents to shop local.
Topics: housing stock, home energy use, affordability of housing
The City of Gilbert aims to increase the supply of housing and provide a wide range of housing choices for a variety of lifestyles and incomes.
Policy H1: The City of Gilbert will encourage a variety in the type of housing construction to meet the housing needs of the population through a mix of new development, infill development and redevelopment of existing properties, including mixed-use development. Housing will be available in areas where the City has capacity to provide community facilities and utilities.
Policy H2: Increase accessible, affordable, and age friendly housing alternatives in all neighborhoods to accommodate persons with disabilities, allow seniors to age in place, and families across incomes; and in proximity to known services, and with easily accessible quality open space.
Policy H3: Address availability and affordability of housing options for all families and individuals, including affordable rental and buying options by providing a diversity of housing options to accommodate residents of all ages, income levels, household sizes, and cultural backgrounds.
Policy H4: Density of residential development should be related to the physical characteristics of the area including topography and soils and the availability of municipal streets and utilities.
Policy H5: Residential development should be encouraged in areas not designated for conservation and open space, industry and agriculture.
Policy H6: The City of Gilbert will communicate with the school district regarding new housing needs and plans for new housing developments.
Preserve, maintain, and improve the existing inventory of single-family and multi-family housing.
Policy H7: The City of Gilbert will ensure safe and habitable housing through continued enforcement of building and rental codes.
Policy H8: Provide city residents information on residential tax abatement programs and other local programs that encourage the upkeep of properties.
Policy H9: Provide city residents with information and incentives to use water and energy efficiently.
Topics: public safety, parks and recreation, community character, connection to natural areas
The City of Gilbert will provide a safe and secure environment for all City residents, workers, and visitors.
Policy HC1: Gilbert will provide preventative safety education (fire, police, and emergency services) to all residents.
Policy HC2: Gilbert will coordinate with Story County Emergency Management Agency to update and maintain emergency operation capabilities by planning for, acquiring equipment, and training for response to emergencies and disasters.
Policy HC3: Gilbert will maintain effective law enforcement by continuing to collaborate with the Story County Sherriff’s Office.
Policy HC4: Gilbert will maintain the Gilbert-Franklin Fire and Emergency Response Agency.
Policy HC5: Minimize risk to life and health from exposure to hazardous materials through designation of appropriate travel routes for hazardous materials transportation, groundwater monitoring, contamination remediation, and required testing and remediation of contaminated sites prior to development.
Policy HC6: Require hazardous material mitigation response and enhance resource collaboration.
The City of Gilbert will continue to provide access to library resources and other educational resources.
Policy HC7: Gilbert will maintain relationships with Story City and the Bertha Bartlett Library system to provide community members with books and other resources.
Policy HC8: Gilbert will continue to support the efforts of the local Historical Society.
Policy HC9: Gilbert will consider changes in technology and social media and consider new ways that the City can increase access to information for their residents.
The City of Gilbert will provide a range of parks and recreation facilities with accompanying programs for children, young adults, families and senior citizens.
Policy HC10: Gilbert will identify opportunities to provide parks and recreation programs to a wide range of community members.
Policy HC11: Gilbert will maintain existing parks and seek opportunities to expand the parks system.
Policy HC12: Gilbert will work with regional partners to identify and construct regional trail systems that connect the City to surrounding communities and natural areas.