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Survey Complete!

Thank you to the people who turned in your survey! Here is the narrative of the results:

The 2016 Gilbert Community Survey

The 2016 Gilbert Community Survey was created online using the Survey Monkey service. It was made public online on July 11th and announced to the public on the City of Gilbert website, at the Gilbert Days booth on July 16th and on the Gilbert electronic information sign. Paper surveys were sent out in the September/October edition of the City newsletter that was mailed in August and collected at City Hall until September 10th. The paper surveys were entered into the online system to generate uniform results.

Seventy-five surveys were received in total, fifty online and twenty-five paper versions. The population of Gilbert over 18 is approximately 730 based on US Census predictions, so the response was 10.3% of the adult population. The survey results that were answered by all participants carry a 95% confidence level and an 11% margin of error.

Seventeen questions gathered responses to questions about existing and future growth of Gilbert in both residential and commercial sectors. It gathered information about community vision for the future as well as information about existing conditions.

Most respondents were residents of Gilbert (85.33%). Most respondents had lived in Gilbert eleven years or longer (54.69%). The quality of the school system was the highest rated reason for moving to Gilbert (30.88%) and for remaining (36.76%) although remaining for the small town atmosphere was a close second (27.94%).

Word clouds and theme analysis were used to analyze open-ended question responses. Small town feel and quality schools ranked high in factors that make Gilbert a great place to live.

Residents favor single-family home development (80.33%) and are opposed to apartments (41.67%). More respondents were slightly supportive of duplexes, townhouses, and condominiums than were opposed. Many agreed that the south side of town and near the schools was the best place for residential growth.

Respondents were almost all in favor of more restaurants (78.43%). There was minimal support for manufacturing (18.75%). Polarization occurred in locating ideal commercial areas. Some were in favor of keeping the commercial near the Fire Station and out toward Highway 69. Others were concerned that the type of commercial, namely storage units, was creating an eyesore driving into town and marring the view of the beautiful new schools. Several respondents sought a revival of the downtown area (Main Street) through increased commercial investment.

Under the subheading, Connections, Gilbert was given a very favorable walkability rating of a 4 or a 5 (79.66%). Connectivity was scored lower. The reasons given were lack of east/west connector streets other than Mathews, the unpaved county road to Ames, and safety issues around the high school, Matthews, and Shepard streets. Jensen and Christian Petersen were listed as parking/driving hazards, especially during sporting events and practices in the parks.

Overall, the hopes for Gilbert’s future involve an increase in commercial opportunity while at the same time protecting the small town atmosphere. Many also desired a downtown beautification project. Concern for inadequate infrastructure in the face of rapid growth was most prevalent, as well as a concern of overbuilding without managed growth. Respondents desired improvements included securing high speed Internet, fixing sidewalks and streets, building a bike path to Ames and encouraging economic development, especially small businesses such as coffee shops.


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