Draft Comprehensive Plan FINISHED!
Plan Gilbert has been officially turned into the City for review by the Planning Commission. Download the Plan Gilbert HERE. Plan Gilbert...

At the Library, RIGHT NOW!
Come on down to the Gilbert Library before 7pm! All of the Gilbert policies are on display for public comment.
Community Policy Workshop
Come to the LIBRARY on Tuesday, November 15th between 4pm and 7pm to view draft vision, goals and policies and make comments. The draft...

Second Round of Policy Edits Complete
The Plan Advisory Committee led by the outstanding Hannah Dankbar made it through the second wave of policy edits. Now is the time for...

Policy Edits: First Round
The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee met on September 21st to begin revising policy for the comprehensive plan. That document is...
Survey Complete!
Thank you to the people who turned in your survey! Here is the narrative of the results: The 2016 Gilbert Community Survey The 2016...
Community Survey Coming Soon
If you do not have a chance to take the online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/plangilbert, there is a paper option! It will be...

Plan Advisory Committee
Thank you to all who offered your services to the Gilbert Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. Twelve community members and...

Weigh in at the PlanGilbert 2016 booth!
Give us your two cents about the future of Gilbert at the PlanGilbert 2016 booth during Gilbert Days, July 15th & 16th, 2016....

Apply for Advisory Committee!
Do you care about the future growth plans of your city? Have you ever wanted to participate in government planning initiatives? Do you...